A National Study of the Associations between Hormonal Modulators in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Chemicals and Birth Outcomes in the United States of America: A County-Level Analysis
Publication: Environmental Health Perspectives
Volume 132, Issue 10
CID: 107001
Risk of preterm birth (PTB) and low birth weight (LBW) due to hydraulic fracturing (HF) exposure is a growing concern. Regional studies have demonstrated links, but results are often contradictory among studies.
This is the first US national study to our knowledge linking fracturing fluid ingredients to the human hormone pathways targeted—estrogen, testosterone, or other hormones (e.g., thyroid hormone)—to assess the effect of HF ingredients on rates of PTB and LBW.
We constructed generalized linear regression models of the impact of HF well density and hormone targeting chemicals in HF fluids (2001–2018) on the county-level average period prevalence rates of PTB and LBW (2015–2018) with each outcome measured in separate models. Our data sources consisted of publicly available datasets, including the WellExplorer database, which uses data from FracFocus, the March of Dimes Peristats, the US Census Bureau, the US Department of Agriculture, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We conducted additional stratified analyses to address issues of confounding. We used stratification to address issues regarding outcomes in rural vs. urban communities by assessing whether our models achieved similar results in nonmetro counties, as well as farming and mining counties. We also stratified by the year of the HF data to include HF data that was closer to the time of the birth outcomes. We also added covariate adjustment to address other important factors linked to adverse birth outcomes, including the proportion of the population belonging to various racial and ethnic minority populations (each modeled as a separate variable); education (bachelor’s degree and high school); use of fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides, acres of agricultural land per square mile; poverty; insurance status; marital status; population per square mile; maternal care deserts; and drug deaths per 100,000 people.
We found that the density of HF wells in a county was significantly associated with both PTB and LBW rates (percentage of live births) in our fully adjusted models. We report the results from our more restrictive stratified analysis with a subset including only the 2014–2018 data, because this resulted in the most meaningful time frame for comparison. Across all models, the magnitude of effect was highest for wells with ingredients that include estrogen targeting chemicals (ETCs), testosterone targeting chemicals (TTCs) and other hormone targeting chemicals (OHTCs), and, finally, all wells grouped regardless of chemical type. For every unit increase in well density per square mile of wells that use chemicals that include an ETC, we observed a 3.789-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.83, 5.74) compared with counties with no ETC wells from 2014 to 2018 and likewise, we observed a 1.964-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.41, 3.52). Similarly, for every unit increase in well density per square mile of wells that use TTC, we observed a 3.192-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.62, 4.77) compared with counties with no TTC wells. Likewise, for LBW, we found a 1.619-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.37, 2.87). We also found that an increase in well density per square mile among wells that use chemicals that include an OHTC resulting in a 2.276-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.25, 3.30) compared with counties with no OHTC wells, and for LBW, we found a 1.244-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.43, 2.06). We also explored the role of HF well exposure in general (regardless of the chemicals used) and found that an increase in total well density (grouped regardless of hormonal targeting status of the chemicals used) resulted in a 1.228-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 0.66, 1.80) compared with counties with no wells, and for LBW, we found a 0.602-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.15, 1.05) compared with counties with no wells. We found similar results in our primary analysis that used all data without any exclusions and the statistical significance did not change.
Our findings reinforce previously identified regional associations between HF and PTB and LBW, but on a national scale. Our findings point to dysregulation of hormonal pathways underpinning HF exposure risk on birth outcomes, which warrants further exploration. Future research must consider the specific ingredients used in HF fluids to properly understand the differential effects of exposure. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP12628
Association between Hydraulic Fracturing and Perinatal Outcomes
Hydraulic fracturing (HF), more commonly known as fracking, is the injection of water, sand, and chemicals into the ground at high pressures to break up rock and release oil and natural gas. The practice became popular in the United States in the early 2000s, and since then numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies have found that HF is associated with negative health outcomes for those living in the proximity. Associated conditions include preterm birth (PTB), low birth weight (LBW), and congenital heart defects, although these associations have not been seen consistently across observational studies.1–8 For example, a study conducted in southwest Pennsylvania found an association between HF and LBW but not PTB, whereas a study in northeast Pennsylvania found the opposite: an association between HF and PTB but not LBW.3,8 A Colorado study found an association between HF and congenital heart defects but no relationship with PTB or LBW.4 A North Texas study found an association between HF and PTB but a minimal association with LBW.5 Another Pennsylvania study and an Oklahoma study found associations between HF and LBW but did not address PTB.6,7 Although the exact nature of the relationships between HF and perinatal outcomes are not clear, the research supports the existence of a relationship.
HF can cause water contamination; air, noise, and light pollution; changes in landscape; and seismicity.9 HF chemicals have been found in drinking water supplies near HF sites, and some chemicals used in HF are known to affect human development and reproduction processes.1,4,10,11 More recent iterations of HF, notably enhanced geothermal, or HF to release or create geothermal energy, purport to use more environmentally and human health-friendly chemicals in injection fluid.12,13 These evolving HF practices demonstrate a growing interest in the ingredients used in HF and their impacts on human health.
Prior studies investigated the associations between HF and poor birth outcomes on a patient-level and calculated HF exposure using the distance between the mother’s residence and HF wells6,7 or inverse distance squared counts of wells within a given distance (usually or ) from the mother’s residence,3–5,8 sometimes including information about the phase of well development and production volume during pregnancy.3 Koehler et al. explored the feasibility and utility of including additional information about the HF process in exposure analysis, including compressor engines, impoundments, and flaring events associated with HF. The authors found that these events are difficult to measure and tend to co-occur in time and space with HF wells, concluding that HF activity can be adequately measured without taking the resources to measure each component.14
Importance of Factors Contributing to Urban vs. Rural Disparities
Most HF occurs in rural areas, where land is cheaper and more available.15 It is especially common in agricultural areas, with many HF operations built on land leased from farmers.16 Health disparities exist between rural areas and urban areas in the United States. Rural Americans have higher rates of heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and strokes than urban Americans do.17 Proposed explanations for these disparities include less access to health care, exposure to environmental hazards, higher poverty rates, lower rates of health insurance enrollment, and less access to health information.17–19 Disparities in perinatal outcomes have also been found between rural and urban areas. Rural counties not bordering metropolitan areas and lacking hospital-based obstetrics services see higher rates of PTB and LBW.20–24 Pesticide exposure from farming operations has been associated with higher rates of PTB and LBW.25–27 A prior study of HF impacts on PTB and LBW found contradictory results between rural and urban areas, with HF having a positive association with PTB and LBW in rural areas and a negative association in urban areas.28 This paper explores the impact of exposure to HF wells and their chemical ingredients on county level rates of PTB and LBW across the country. We control for rural–urban health disparities by creating and analyzing subsets of rural counties and adjusting all of our models for access to maternal care, rates of insurance enrollment, rates of poverty, the proportion of the county that is agricultural land, and pesticide use within the county.
Endocrine Disruptors in HF Fluid Ingredients
There are many endocrine disruptors used in HF fluid ingredients and some prior studies have pointed to the potential consequences on human health.29 However, endocrine disruption following HF exposure is complex to study in humans (and hence the motivation for our work). In fish, endocrine disruption has been observed following exposure to HF fluid.30 Furthermore, the prenatal exposure time window has been proposed as a key developmental time point for potential damaging effects of endocrine disruption in humans.31–33 Specifically focusing on HF, several studies have linked prenatal exposure to HF chemicals with adverse health outcomes in mice,34,35 but human studies that tie specific chemicals used in HF to health outcomes appear to be lacking. The paucity of human studies in this space was the motivation for our work: to study the effects of prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) used in HF fluid on human birth outcomes, namely PTB and LBW.
Purpose of Study
This study sought to further explore the associations between HF and rates of PTB and LBW. Prior research has analyzed these relationships within a US state or region of a state, but in this study we examined them on a national scale, responding to calls for future research to characterize specific chemical stressors associated with HF.36 We considered whether the ingredients used in a county’s HF wells were known to impact estrogen, testosterone, or other hormone pathways (where the term other hormone pathways is defined as hormones that are not testosterone or estrogen) to explore whether ingredients that modulate human hormones impact the associations between HF and adverse perinatal outcomes. We hypothesized that wells with ingredients that impact human hormone pathways would increase PTB and LBW rates more than other HF wells.
Materials and Methods
Study Design
This study explores the association between four different exposure groupings, namely, a) exposure to HF wells, b) exposure to wells with chemicals known to target estrogen pathways, c) testosterone pathways, or d) other hormone pathways (defined as hormones that are not testosterone or estrogen) on two outcomes: PTB rate and LBW rate. We used only publicly available resources, and our unit of analysis was at the US county level. An overview of our process is shown in Figure S1 and is described in the “Data Sources” section.
Data Sources
We retrieved county-level data on HF well density (wells per square mile area of each county), rates of PTB and LBW, and several demographic covariates from publicly available data (Figure 1). For the data on HF wells, we used data from 2001 to 2018, with a relevant subset of data from 2014 to 2018 used in our sensitivity analyses. Data on our outcomes (PTB and LBW rate) were available for the years 2015 to 2018, and information on maternal care deserts was available from 2021. The US Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) data and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) WONDER data were available for the 2014–2018 period, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data from 2017, and US Census Bureau’s Gazetteer data from 2018. This information is also available in Table S1. We chose to use publicly available data and aggregate it at the county level so that we could expand our study nationwide, a method similar to other nationwide and larger-scale HF studies.37,38
We used the previously developed and publicly available 2020 WellExplorer database39 (version 1) to obtain data on HF well locations and the chemical ingredients injected into those wells as part of the fracking process. The information in WellExplorer comes from FracFocus, which is self-reported by the HF companies and is regulated by some states. WellExplorer makes use of the FracFocus public database of HF wells, which already provided the ingredients used in the wells. WellExplorer previously linked this information to the hormonal pathways impacted by each well’s ingredients.39 When designing our models, we considered the density of all wells in each county (defined as wells per square mile area of each county), of wells that use chemicals known to target estrogen, testosterone, or other human hormone pathways. From this data, we were able to obtain information on the gene/protein targets of each chemical used in the HF that was mapped within WellExplorer to some specific compound with known chemical activity.39 These data contain information on the link between chemicals used in HF fluid and the proteins/genes involved in one of the three hormonal pathways studied (i.e., estrogen, testosterone, or other hormone) and this information can be found in Excel Table S1. We also provide the information on whether the chemical pairs were linkable to an open-source database, the Toxin and Toxin-Target Database (T3DB),40,41 using the May 2018 version, that we used to ascertain hormonal activity, and this information can be found in Excel Table S2. The number of unique protein/genes targeted by chemicals used in HF fluid ingredients sorted by the number of chemicals targeting specific proteins are listed in Excel Table S3.
Outcome measure data.
We obtained perinatal outcome data from the March of Dimes’ Peristats,42 which aggregates data on maternal and infant health from government agencies and the National Birth Defects Prevention Network.42 We chose the perinatal outcomes of PTB and LBW rates because of their significant associations with HF in prior research and their nationwide accessibility. We used each available county’s average PTB and LBW rates from 2015 to 2018 (the most recent available time frame at the time of analysis). Peristats defined PTB and LBW rates as a percentage of total live births from 2015 to 2018. Therefore, for both outcomes (PTB and LBW) we have a period prevalence with the period of time being 4 y. The March of Dimes obtains their data from the same sources as the CDC WONDER database; however, they provide data for more counties (even the sparsely populated counties) because they can sufficiently anonymize their data by averaging the PTB and LBW rates over the period from 2015 to 2018, providing an overall averaged result. We do not have access to the source data that they used to calculate their averages, but we used their reported PTB and LBW rates as outcomes in our models. A PTB was defined as a live birth that occurred before 37 completed weeks of gestation (based on the obstetrician’s estimate of gestational age), and a LBW was defined as a live birth where the baby weighed . For both of these rates the denominator was live births for that particular county from 2015 to 2018. The calculation for both outcomes is shown below. Each of these calculations was performed for each county included in our study by the March of Dimes. We reused their data given that we did not have the underlying data to calculate these outcomes owing to privacy constraints. However, the calculations for both outcomes are given in Equations 1 and 2.
Covariate data.
We also considered several county-level covariates that prior literature had identified as associated with perinatal outcomes. All covariates are listed in this paragraph and were included as adjustments in our model. For the continuous variables, we included, self-reported racial and ethnic distributions per county (categories were self-reported per the US Census Bureau ACS: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and multiple race)43; percentage of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population with health insurance44; percentage of the population below the poverty level45; education level (percentage of the population with a high school diploma and higher and percentage with a bachelor’s degree and higher)46; percentage of women years of age who are married47; population density (a proxy for ruralness)20,23; the proportion of the county that is agricultural land (a proxy for agricultural usage ruralness); drug-related death rates (a proxy for illicit drug use)48; and the relative amounts of fertilizer, insecticide, and herbicide used in agricultural operations within the county.25–27 For the binary variables, we included whether the county had access to maternal care.49
To assemble this data, we used several data sources, primarily the US Census Bureau ACS 2014–2018 5-y estimates.50 Drug use rates per county were approximated using data on drug use–related deaths that was obtained from the CDC WONDER Multiple Cause of Death for the years 2014–2018.51 The proportion of land that was agricultural and fertilizer and pesticide use rates were taken from the USDA’s 2017 Census of Agriculture, the most recently available year that fit our 2014–2018 time frame.52,53 Data on maternal care accessibility for each county was obtained from the March of Dimes’s 2022 Maternity Care Deserts Across the US report, which categorized counties without a hospital or birth center offering obstetric care and without any obstetric providers (obstetrics and gynecology practitioners and midwives) as maternal care deserts.49 Data on the size of each county was obtained from the 2018 US Census Bureau’s Gazetteer files.54 The histograms of the rates of PTB and LBW across the counties is shown in Figure S2.
This study used publicly available data aggregated to the county level. The institutional review board at the University of Pennsylvania deemed this study to be nonhuman subjects’ research.
Data Integration and Stratification
We developed our integrated and harmonized dataset in R studio using R (version 4.0.2; R Core Development Team) using the dplyr and stringr packages.55,56 We combined the data from our various sources into one table, matching each county/county-equivalent using its corresponding Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code. We cleaned the combined data by excluding FIPS codes outside the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. The Aleutian Islands, Alaska, was one county-equivalent in the USDA dataset but two in the other datasets: Aleutians East Borough and Aleutians West Borough. We therefore split the data on acres of agricultural land and fertilizer and chemical use in half between the two boroughs. All FIPS codes in our final dataset were in line with the 2018 Census Bureau standard.57 In addition, a few counties had fracking wells in bodies of water that are considered part of the county (e.g., a well off the coast of Los Angeles County that is listed as located within the county). There were wells located in Alaska’s Harrison Bay, which borders the North Slope Borough of Alaska in a manner like that of the bodies of water associated with other counties, so we counted these wells as located in the borough. We used the US Census Bureau’s 2018 Gazetteer land area data to normalize relevant covariates by county size, which allowed us to compare across counties of various size but caused us to assume an even distribution of HF wells and other normalized variables across the county.54 All covariates were quantitative. We used a linear regression model because our outcome was linear, numeric, and continuous. One variable that was binary was maternal care deserts, and this indicated whether some maternal care was available (i.e., not a maternal care desert) or whether no maternal care was available (i.e., a maternal care desert) in that county.49 The exposure variables of well density, as well as the hormonal densities, were numerical variables. Many other important covariates, such as race, were also numerical variables given that the variable was the percentage Black population in a particular county.
Regression Modeling
We calculated the descriptive statistics for each covariate included to provide context for the results of our analysis (Table 1). Excel Table S4 provides the final dataset, which will be helpful for readers who might be interested in a particular covariate.
Covariate (each variable measured at the county level) | a | Mean for each | Min | Max |
PTB rate (%)b | 2,970 | 3.4 | 23.3 | |
LBW rate (%)b | 2,930 | 3.1 | 23.4 | |
Continuous covariates | ||||
Population per square mile | 3,142 | 0.04 | 72,051.9 | |
Percentage of the population by self-identified race/ethnicity | ||||
White | 3,142 | 3.9 | 100 | |
Black | 3,142 | 0 | 87.4 | |
Native | 3,142 | 0 | 92.5 | |
Asian | 3,142 | 0 | 42.5 | |
Pacific | 3,142 | 0 | 25.3 | |
Multiracial | 3,142 | 0 | 28.7 | |
Hispanic | 3,142 | 0 | 99.1 | |
Percentage of population below poverty line | 3,142 | 2.3 | 55.1 | |
Percentage of population with high school diploma | 3,142 | 33.7 | 98.8 | |
Percentage of population that completed undergrad education | 3,142 | 0 | 78.5 | |
Percentage of women years of age who are married | 3,142 | 15.5 | 78 | |
Rate of drug-related deaths/100,000 people | 3,034 | 8.9 | 639.3 | |
Percentage of population that is insured | 3,142 | 54.4 | 98.3 | |
Acres of fertilized land per square mile | 3,050 | 0.0006 | 484.7 | |
Acres of land with insecticide applied per square mile | 3,050 | 0.0006 | 425.8 | |
Acres of land with herbicide applied per square mile | 3,050 | 0.0006 | 577.7 | |
Acres of agricultural land per square mile | 2,845 | 0.006 | 609.4 | |
Binary covariates | ||||
Maternal health availability | 3,142 | — | — | — |
Counties listed as maternal health deserts | 1,119 | — | — | — |
Counties listed having some maternal care available | 2,023 | — | — | — |
Note: The table provides descriptive statistics for all of the covariates considered in our fully adjusted models to explore the association between HF well density and rates of PTB or LBW. It presents the total number of counties with data for each covariate (). Each fully adjusted model has a slightly different amount of data because we did not impute missingness, therefore counties with missing data were removed. Note the following, —, Not applicable; HF, hydraulic fracturing; LBW, low birth weight; max, maximum; min, minimum; PTB, preterm birth; SD standard deviation.
represents the number of counties that was possible to include in that set.
The definitions for PTB and LBW are based on the March of Dimes dataset that we used in our analysis. PTB and LBW rates are defined as county-level percentages of live births over the period of time from 2015 to 2018.
We constructed four generalized linear models each for PTB rate and for LBW rate as the outcome for each subset. Each of these models is shown in Figure 2, and their model equations are given in the sections “Models for PTB” and “Models for LBW.” Each model looked at the association between county-level density of HF wells (either the total wells, wells with ingredients that impact estrogen pathways, testosterone pathways, or other hormone pathways) and the same set of adverse birth outcomes, namely PTB or LBW (both defined as the percentage of live births within the county from 2015 to 2018) adjusting for all covariates described above in the section “Covariate Data.” We analyzed each generalized linear model in R studio using R (version 4.0.2; R Core Development Team). We considered the coefficient estimate (the beta estimates from our models), 95% confidence interval (CI) of those estimates, the standard error, and level of statistical significance for each association. Statistical significance was determined using standard thresholds where a level was determined to be significant.
We adjusted for the same set of covariates in each of our models shown below in Equations 3–6. The only difference between the four models is the type of exposure variable. Equation 3 explores the all_wells_per_sq_mile variable, which is an indicator of all wells regardless of chemicals used. Equation 4 explores the wells that use chemicals that include estrogen targeting chemicals (ETCs) as our exposure variable. Equation 5 explores the wells that use chemicals that include testosterone targeting chemicals (TTCs) as our exposure variable. Finally, Equation 6 explores the wells that use chemicals that include other hormone targeting chemicals (OHTCs) as our exposure variable. Note that ‘targeting’ involves affecting the respective pathway, therefore can be either direct or indirect. Equations 7–10 mirror Equations 3–6 except that the outcome variable is for LBW rather than PTB.
Models for PTB.
Models for LBW.
Sensitivity Analyses
Ultimately, we had seven stratified sets of data from our original, integrated dataset (Figure 2). These stratified sets were based on a) having HF data from mandated reporting states, b) having HF data from a period relevant to our outcome data (2014–2018), and c) exploring the rural vs. urban divide. The full data consists of all data without any stratified exclusions. Importantly, the same set of models as shown in Equations 3–10 were used in each of these stratified subsets.
Sensitivity analyses to assess exposure reporting bias.
We created a subset of HF wells that were active between 2014 and 2018 because we expected that active HF wells would have the most impact on perinatal health and these years lined up well with the time frames of our perinatal outcomes data and other covariates. We used this 2014–2018 subset to present our results in the abstract and conclusion parts of this paper. Note that our full dataset contains all of the data available without any subset. Only 26 US states are required to report all HF data to FracFocus (the source of data for WellExplorer), and of the 24 remaining states, 3 occasionally report.58,59 We created a states with HF exposure fully captured subset that excluded 9 states (Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Oregon, and Virginia) because these states have oil or gas reserves or production according to the US Energy Information Administration yet are not required to report all HF activity to FracFocus.60 Because WellExplorer uses FracFocus data, the information in WellExplorer for those states likely is incomplete. This stratified set of states narrowed the scope of analysis to 2,496 of the 3,142 (or 79%) of the counties or county-equivalents in the United States. This subset is represented with “HF fully captured” in Figure 2. We also created a 2014–2018 wells in states with HF exposure fully captured subset that included both states where HF was mandated to be reported to FracFocus (and thereby also WellExplorer) and where the HF activity dates were within the 2014–2018 period to correspond with the PTB and LBW outcome data.
Because 2014–2018 was such a critical window where the outcomes (PTB, LBW) were occurring and we had good quality exposure data, we stratified to the years 2014–2018 for each of our subsequent stratified analyses as well. This is why the four stratified subsets on the right of Figure 2 all contain the 2014–2018 header. Therefore, the following four stratified subsets pertain to 2014–2018 data: a) 2014–2018 wells, b) 2014–2018 wells in states with HF exposure fully captured, c) 2014–2018 wells in farming and mining counties, and d) 2014–2018 wells in nonmetro counties.
We visualized our results in a forest plot format with code provided on our GitHub page. We used R, ggplot2, gridExtra and ggpubr to make our forest plot. We visualized the four predictors of interest: a) all wells, b) estrogen, c) testosterone, and d) other hormones for each outcome PTB and LBW for the full dataset and the 2014–2018 stratified subset. This results in four figures, one for each dataset–outcome pair that we visualized (PTB, full dataset, PTB 2014–2018 subset, and so forth). Because each of the four predictors were not included in the same model directly, we extracted the coefficient estimates and their corresponding 95% CIs for the relevant models outlined in Equations 3–10. Because we included many covariates in our model, we also chose to plot three adjusted covariates: a) undergraduate education, b) Black race, and c) poverty to visualize to readers how those covariates compare with the predictors of interest (namely, all wells, estrogen, testosterone, and other hormones). For visualization purposes, we plotted the covariate coefficient results for these adjusted covariates from the all wells model.
Sensitivity analyses to assess rural/urban divide potential bias.
As discussed earlier, multiple factors contribute to the disparities in perinatal outcomes that are seen between rural and urban areas. To determine the effect of the rural/urban areas on our models, we decided to stratify by ruralness. The concept of ruralness is difficult to define, but the USDA attempts to do so with its metro- and nonmetro classification system. Counties that are categorized as nonmetro must include some combination of the following three attributes: a) open countryside, b) rural towns defined as towns with people, and c) urban areas with populations ranging from 2,500 to 49,999 people that are separate from larger metropolitan areas.61 We created a subset of counties that the USDA categorizes as nonmetro. The USDA also categorizes counties by mutually exclusive primary economic types (Economic Research Service County Typology Codes): Farming, Mining, Manufacturing, Federal/State government, recreation, and all other (nonspecialized) counties.62 We created a subset of counties that are categorized as primarily farming or mining. We created both subsets (nonmetro and farming and mining) from the states with HF exposure fully captured subset and made 2014–2018 versions of each. Therefore, we ended up with two subsets of “rural” counties (i.e., the nonmetro and the farming and mining counties). These two subsets of rural counties also had 2014–2018 counterparts amounting to four of our seven stratified subsets as being related to different classifications of the rural vs. urban divide. Therefore, the following four stratified subsets pertain to rural vs. urban data: a) farming and mining counties (no year restriction, including 2001–2018), b) nonmetro counties (no year restriction, including 2001–2018), c) 2014–2018 wells in farming and mining counties, and d) 2014–2018 wells in nonmetro counties.
Rationale Primary Full Analysis
In the interest of transparency and to help support as much data sharing as possible on the part of fracking companies and research, we started with a primary full analysis as a model that included as much data as possible, without any type of cherry picking or other data exclusionary criteria. Therefore, our first primary model included all data we had access to that was reported, including older fracking data, and we included any fracking data available. In part this is because there might be a temporal lag between the time when fracking is first conducted in a region and the time when birth outcomes will result from the exposure. For example, it is unknown how long between the exposure of a pregnant person, or a female before pregnancy, is needed for there to be impact on later risk to the fetus. Because of this and the variability of time windows reported in other studies, we decided to set our primary (termed the full analysis) as including all data available. We then constructed several stratified analyses that include different slices of our dataset. The subset of data 2014–2018 wells in states with HF exposure fully captured represents the slice of data and models that investigated overlapping time windows and in regions where HF exposure is known to be fully captured owing to explicit legislation in those states dictating reporting. Results in the abstract and conclusion reflect the results from the 2014–2018 stratified subset given that this subset was most relevant.
Mapping of Results and Shale Plays and Basins
We visualized some of our results using maps that were made using the usmap package in R Studio (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/usmap/index.html). Alaska and Hawaii are excluded from the maps because of missing information on locations of shale plays and basin from Energy Information Administration maps used to create the figure (https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/usshalegas/pdf/usshaleplays.pdf, p6). States with HF information not fully captured are represented with stripes (9 states).
Integrated Dataset and Stratified Subsets
The complete dataset and seven stratified subsets that we created can be seen in Table 2 broken down for their corresponding outcomes (PTB and LBW rates) and also shown in Figure 2. In total there are 16 dataset–outcome combos because each outcome was used for the eight subsets (Figure 1). The states with HF exposure fully captured subset still captures most of the wells and counties in FracFocus, 90% and 74%, respectively (Table 2). The farming and mining subset, on the other hand, includes only a third of counties with HF and two thirds of wells. Similarly, the nonmetro subset contains half of counties with HF and two thirds of wells. The farming and mining and nonmetro subsets are not representative of all HF in the United States, although they may still be useful in teasing out how rural–urban disparities may be confounding the associations that are observed.
Dataset/outcome in model (either PTB or LBW)a | Counties included [ (%)] | HF counties included [ (%)] | HF wells included [ (%)] |
All data | |||
PTB | 2,970 (95) | 537 (92) | 127,052 (94) |
LBW | 2,930 (93) | 526 (90) | 124,845 (93) |
2014–2018 wells | |||
PTB | 2,970 (95) | 451 (77) | 64,143 (48) |
LBW | 2,930 (93) | 442 (76) | 63,328 (47) |
States with HF exposure fully captured | |||
PTB | 2,331 (74) | 528 (90) | 126,655 (94) |
LBW | 2,294 (73) | 517 (88) | 124,448 (92) |
2014–2018 wells in states with HF exposure fully captured | |||
PTB | 2,331 (74) | 443 (76) | 63,856 (47) |
LBW | 2,294 (73) | 434 (74) | 63,041 (47) |
Farming and mining counties | |||
PTB | 500 (16) | 198 (34) | 83,747 (62) |
LBW | 457 (15) | 189 (32) | 81,180 (60) |
2014–2018 wells in farming and mining counties | |||
PTB | 500 (16) | 175 (30) | 42,560 (32) |
LBW | 457 (15) | 167 (29) | 41,451 (31) |
Nonmetro counties | |||
PTB | 1,503 (48) | 372 (64) | 85,732 (64) |
LBW | 1,459 (46) | 362 (62) | 84,577 (63) |
2014–2018 wells in nonmetro counties | |||
PTB | 1,503 (48) | 312 (53) | 43,230 (32) |
LBW | 1,459 (46) | 304 (52) | 42,909 (32) |
Note: This table provides the US counties and HF wells captured by the full dataset and each subset used for sensitivity analysis. “2014–2018 wells” signify wells active during those years according to the FracFocus database. “Wells in states with HF exposure fully captured” signifies states that are either mandated to report HF to FracFocus or have no oil or gas resources according to the Energy Information Administration. “Farming and mining counties” and “nonmetro counties” are those that meet USDA standards to be considered as such. PTB represents models examining an association between HF and PTB rates. LBW represents models examining an association between HF and LBW rates. HF, hydraulic fracturing; LBW, low birth weight; PTB, preterm birth; USDA, US Department of Agriculture.
PTB rate and LBW rate are defined as within-county percentage of live births during the period of 2015–2018.
Figure 3A shows the HF wells active during 2014–2018 and then broken down by ingredients’ chemical pathways. HF wells with ingredients known to target pathways involving estrogen (Figure 3B) that were active during 2014–2018 and HF wells with ingredients known to target pathways involving testosterone (Figure 3C) that were active during 2014–2018 are depicted against a map of the shale plays and basins in the United States to provide context on where most HF in the United States takes place. A shale play is a discovered or possible natural gas accumulation. Shales are located within basins, or large geographical depressions that may contain oil or natural gas.63
HF Chemicals and Their Corresponding Protein/Gene Target Information
We also include in the Supplemental Material files information on each chemical and its corresponding protein or gene target that has been labeled as estrogen, testosterone, or hormonal pathways. Chemicals that target one of the three pathways are given in Excel Table S1. The chemicals in our study used in HF that were linked to gene/protein targets are listed in Excel Table S2. The 106 distinct gene/protein targets for HF ingredients that target one of the three pathways: estrogen, testosterone, or other hormonal pathways are listed in Excel Table S3. The number of counties with hormonal modulating ingredients is provided in Table S2.
Model Findings
Across all models that we constructed, the density of HF wells was positively associated with average county-level PTB and LBW rates. In each model, the coefficient estimates were highest for wells with ingredients that include ETCs, TTCs, and OHTCs. We also explored all well types grouped.
In the following paragraphs, we report the results from our more restrictive stratified analysis using the 2014–2018 subset, because this analysis resulted in the most meaningful time frame for comparison. In our models exploring the association between HF wells that were active between 2014 and 2018 and PTB rates, wells with ETCs had a beta coefficient estimate of 3.789 (95% CI: 1.83, 5.74). This indicates that for every unit increase in well density per square mile of wells that use chemicals that include an ETC, we observed a 3.789-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.83, 5.74) compared with counties with no ETC wells. Similarly, we found that for every unit increase in well density per square mile of wells that use TTC, we observed a 3.192-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.62, 4.77) compared with counties with no TTC wells. We found that an increase in well density per square mile among wells that use chemicals that include an OHTC resulted in a 2.276-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 1.25, 3.30) compared with counties with no OHTC wells. We also explored the role of HF well exposure in general (regardless of the chemicals used) and found that an increase in total well density (grouped regardless of hormonal targeting status of the chemicals used) resulted in a 1.228-higher PTB rate (95% CI: 0.66, 1.80) compared with counties with no wells.
Similarly, for the equivalent models that explored an association with LBW rates using the 2014–2018 subset. We found that for every 1-unit increase in the well density per square mile of wells that use an ETC, we observed a 1.964-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.41, 3.52). For every 1-unit increase in well density per square mile of wells that use TTC, we found a 1.619-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.37, 2.87). We also found that an increase in well density per square mile among wells that use chemicals that include an OHTC resulted in a 1.244-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.43, 2.06). We also explored the role of HF well density in general (grouped regardless of the chemicals used) and found that a 1-unit increase in density of all wells grouped (regardless of hormonal targeting status of the chemicals used) resulted in 0.602-higher LBW rate (95% CI: 0.15, 1.05) compared with counties with no wells. The association between HF wells and PTB was statistically significant () for all models from the full dataset, the states with HF exposure fully captured subset, and the nonmetro subset. The association was not statistically significant in the farming and mining subset, although the pattern of coefficient estimates held. Similarly, the association between HF wells and LBW was statistically significant in the full dataset and states with HF exposure fully captured subsets. The associations were not significant in the farming and mining and nonmetro subsets, although the pattern of estimates remained. Exact estimates, standard errors, and -values for all models are given in Table 3. The pattern of coefficient estimate values is visualized in Figure 4 along with the corresponding 95% CIs.
Model | Well type | PTB rate (percentage of live birth) | LBW rate (percentage of live birth) | ||
Well estimate (95% CI)a | Well -Value | Well estimate (95% CI)a | Well -Value | ||
Full dataset and all wells | All | 0.652 (0.34, 0.96) | *** | 0.368 (0.12, 0.62) | *** |
Estrogen | 2.855 (1.37, 4.34) | *** | 1.544 (0.37, 2.72) | ** | |
Testosterone | 2.213 (1.09, 3.34) | *** | 1.200 (0.31, 2.09) | *** | |
Other hormone | 1.649 (0.89, 2.41) | *** | 0.946 (0.35, 1.55) | *** | |
Full dataset and 2014–2018 wells | All | 1.228 (0.66, 1.80) | *** | 0.602 (0.15, 1.05) | *** |
Estrogen | 3.789 (1.83, 5.74) | *** | 1.964 (0.41, 3.52) | ** | |
Testosterone | 3.192 (1.62, 4.77) | *** | 1.619 (0.37, 2.87) | ** | |
Other hormone | 2.276 (1.25, 3.30) | *** | 1.244 (0.43, 2.06) | *** | |
States with HF exposure fully captured and all wells | All | 0.574 (0.25, 0.89) | *** | 0.321 (0.07, 0.58) | ** |
Estrogen | 2.567 (1.05, 4.08) | *** | 1.385 (0.74, 2.60) | ** | |
Testosterone | 1.966 (0.82, 3.12) | *** | 1.049 (0.13, 1.97) | ** | |
Other hormone | 1.491 (0.72, 2.27) | *** | 0.846 (0.23, 1.46) | *** | |
States with HF exposure fully captured and 2014–2018 wells | All | 1.098 (0.52, 1.68) | *** | 0.528 (0.06, 0.99) | ** |
Estrogen | 3.423 (1.42, 5.42) | *** | 1.764 (0.17, 3.36) | ** | |
Testosterone | 2.862 (1.25, 4.47) | *** | 1.418 (0.13, 2.70) | ** | |
Other hormone | 2.073 (1.02, 3.12) | *** | 1.116 (0.28, 1.95) | *** | |
Farming and mining counties and all wells | All | 0.457 (, 0.99) | 0.231 (, 0.67) | ||
Estrogen | 1.533 (, 3.72) | 0.846 (, 2.62) | |||
Testosterone | 1.293 (, 3.21) | 0.710 (, 2.27) | |||
Other hormone | 1.042 (, 2.29) | 0.617 (, 1.63) | |||
Farming and mining counties and 2014–2018 wells | All | 0.797 (, 1.76) | 0.363 (, 1.15) | ||
Estrogen | 2.129 (, 5.04) | 1.146 (, 3.50) | |||
Testosterone | 1.861 (, 4.51) | 0.883 (, 3.03) | |||
Other hormone | 1.448 (, 3.11) | 0.820 (, 2.17) | |||
Nonmetro counties and all wells | All | 0.613 (0.15, 1.07) | *** | 0.209 (, 0.58) | |
Estrogen | 2.613 (0.39, 4.84) | ** | 0.919 (, 2.72) | ||
Testosterone | 2.219 (0.53, 3.91) | ** | 0.737 (, 2.11) | ||
Other hormone | 1.638 (0.52, 2.75) | *** | 0.625 (, 1.53) | ||
Nonmetro counties and 2014–2018 wells | All | 1.156 (0.34, 1.97) | *** | 0.337 (, 0.99) | |
Estrogen | 3.488 (0.63, 6.34) | ** | 1.197 (, 3.51) | ||
Testosterone | 3.212 (0.88, 5.54) | *** | 0.946 (, 2.83) | ||
Other hormone | 2.377 (0.85, 3.90) | *** | 0.834 (, 2.07) |
Note: This table provides coefficient estimates and -values from our fully adjusted generalized models to explore the association between HF well density and rates of PTB or LBW. Each coefficient estimate comes from a unique generalized model and is adjusted for the covariates described in Table 1. Both PTB and LBW models are adjusted for the following known factors that increase the rates of these adverse perinatal outcomes, including race and ethnicity, poverty, population density, education, marriage rate, drug deaths per 100,000 people, percentage insured, fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, agricultural land, and maternal care availability. Therefore, the results presented were all after adjustment for the factors mentioned. CI, confidence interval; HF, hydraulic fracturing; LBW, low birth weight; PTB, preterm birth. **; ***.
These are beta estimates from the respective linear regression models and are in units of well density per square mile.
In Figure 4, we plot the results of our models of all US counties, comparing the HF coefficient estimates for the different HF well types to a few covariates that are known to be associated with poor birth outcomes in scientific literature that we had also included in our models to adjust for those known effects.43,45,46,64–67 Results for our models are available in Excel Table S5. For example, in our model of all counties and wells active during 2014–2018, for every 1-unit increase in all well density per square mile (regardless of whether chemicals that targeted any hormonal pathways were used in the well), there resulted a 1.228 (95% CI: 0.66, 1.80)-higher PTB rate while adjusting for poverty rate among other relevant covariates (a subset of these are visualized in Figure 4). Similarly, for every 1-unit increase in wells that use chemicals known to target estrogen pathways per square mile, we observed a 3.788 (95% CI: 1.83, 5.74) increase in the PTB rate even after adjusting for poverty rate, maternal care deserts,49 and population density among other relevant covariates. In our models, we studied the relationship between HF and the hormonal targets of the HF chemicals on both PTB and LBW while adjusting for known factors that increase the rates of these adverse perinatal outcomes, including race and ethnicity, poverty, population density, education, marriage, drug deaths per 100,000 people, percentage insured, fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, agricultural land, and maternal care availability. Therefore, the results presented were all after adjustment for the factors mentioned. All model results are provided in detail in Excel Table S5.
Our work builds upon prior regional studies that investigated the association between HF and poor perinatal outcomes by examining those associations on a national scale. Our study is distinctive because it is a national study looking across the entire United States and also because it takes into consideration the ingredients used in HF wells and their known impacts on human hormone pathways. In all our models, the density of HF wells in a county was associated with higher rates of PTB and LBW rates. These associations were statistically significant () across most of our models. Our findings also include an interesting trend that warrants further exploration: wells using ingredients that use ETCs have higher associations with rates of PTB and LBW than wells use TTCs, OHTCs, or wells in general. We also found that these associations remained high in our fully adjusted models that adjusted for county-level poverty rates, percentage of the population identifying as Black or African American, and other key factors important in PTB and LBW.
The relevance of a well’s ingredients to its association with poor perinatal outcomes may help explain the different and sometimes contradictory findings of previous studies. For example, a study conducted in southwest Pennsylvania found an association between HF and LBW but not PTB, whereas a study in northeast Pennsylvania found the opposite: an association between HF and PTB but not LBW.3,8 A Colorado study found an association between HF and congenital heart defects but no relationship with PTB or LBW.4 A North Texas study found an association between HF and PTB but a minimal association with LBW.5 Another Pennsylvania study and an Oklahoma study found associations between HF and LBW but did not address PTB.6,7 Although the exact nature of the relationships between HF and perinatal outcomes are not clear, the research supports the existence of a relationship. One hypothesis that could help explain these differences, which our study helps to shed light on, is that different regions of the country have different chemical exposures resulting from different chemicals used during the HF process. If different regions of the country have HF wells with distinctive ingredient makeups (something that FracFocus and WellExplorer demonstrate), then we hypothesized that those differences could have different perinatal outcome profiles as well. Our findings support our initial hypothesis and highlights the need for more research into the health impacts of HF that account for the specific chemical ingredients used in each HF well, given that the exposure to HF is modulated by the compounds used. Our study also reinforces that HF exposure is associated with higher rates of two adverse birth outcomes: PTB and LBW. Exposure to specific chemical ingredients must be considered in HF studies to properly capture the exposure and the potential mechanisms underlying the relationship.
HF Fluid Ingredients and Association with Adverse Birth Outcomes
We performed several analyses on stratified subsets of our data (Table 3) to explore the relationship between various potential confounders and rates of our perinatal outcomes of interest (PTB and LBW). However, we found that the trend was consistent with higher rates of poor perinatal outcomes being observed when HF chemicals contained estrogen-modulating ingredients, followed by testosterone modulating ingredients, and then other hormonal modulating ingredients. Therefore, ETCs when used in HF appear to have had higher associations with these birth outcomes, whereas TTCs had a statistically significant relationship with these outcomes, but the estimates were less pronounced than the effect of ETCs. This is important for public health researchers because often the exposure to HF is considered as one single constant exposure across various cohorts and this results in misleading and contradictory findings in the literature.3–8 Currently there is a paucity of researchers studying the role of the chemicals used in HF and their role involving hormonal pathways and human birth outcomes outside of animal models. However, there is a tremendous amount of evidence that endocrine disruptors negatively impact human health and the regulation of these chemicals in other contexts.68,69
Biological Mechanisms Underlying the Link Between Hormonal Modulator HF Ingredients and Adverse Birth Outcomes
We identified 106 gene/proteins involved in one of the three pathways: estrogen, testosterone, or other hormone pathways that were targeted by HF ingredients (Excel Table S3). The two proteins with the greatest number of distinct ingredients (as measured by distinct Chemical Abstract Service numbers) targeting them were estrogen receptor 1 and 2 (ESR1 and ESR2); these had 804 and 501 distinct ingredients targeting them respectively. In third place, was estrogen sulfotransferase (SULT1E1), an important enzyme involved in the estrogen pathway. Therefore, the estrogen pathway had the largest number of distinct ingredients targeting them.
The general hormone pathway also had many distinct HF ingredients targeting several key gene/proteins involved in key hormonal processes in the body. There are many potential biological mechanisms that link non-estrogen and non-testosterone hormones with biological process that have potential to affect human health and disease.70 We found 11 distinct gene/proteins that are involved in thyroid function. Inadequate thyroid function has been linked to LBW71 and the combination of PTB and LBW.72 The thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor gene/protein was targeted by two distinct HF ingredients and mutations in this very gene/protein has been previously linked to both PTB and LBW.72
Water as the Hypothesized Route of Primary Exposure
In the present study, we have focused on chemicals used in HF fluid that target three hormonal pathways: estrogen, testosterone, and general hormone pathways. Prenatal exposure to EDCs is known to cause adverse health outcomes in many species, including fish, mice, and humans.29,30,34,35 However, prior studies on the human health effects of HF fluid that focused on the chemicals and their endocrine-disrupting effects remain limited due to the complex nature of these mixtures. The purpose of our study was to link all related chemicals together that target the same key pathways to see if we could study the adverse birth outcomes related to these exposures at the county level across the entire nation. Our findings point to the overall potential harm of these EDCs on birth outcomes across the nation. However, we are hypothesizing that water is the major route of this exposure whereby those who are proximal to HF wells are more likely to have water exposure in their drinking water. We did not have access to adequate private water well consumption information; as discussed in the “Limitations” section, data on the use of private well water for drinking is available but has not been updated since the 1990 census.73 We chose to not include this data because we expected that population densities and well water use for human consumption has likely changed since 1990, especially in areas with HF given that local residents may have reduced well water use to reduce exposure. We also did not explore the role of watersheds and complex topology of the landmass throughout the nation because this varies within counties and would require additional methods development to assess adequately.74–77 We leave this to future researchers interested in using our work as a starting point toward individualized models in specific regions of the United States where topological mapping and assessment of water sheds and private vs. public water consumption would be possible.
Investigation of the Modulation of the Association between HF and Perinatal Outcomes by Ruralness
We created the farming and mining and nonmetro subsets to explore whether our findings were an artifact of rural–urban health disparities. The association between HF wells and perinatal outcomes was not statistically significant in the farming and mining subset models, although the pattern of coefficient strength remained. The farming and mining subsets include only 457–500 counties each, compared with the much higher number of counties in other subsets (Table 1). The relatively small sample size may explain the loss of statistical significance. Similarly, in the nonmetro counties subset models, the PTB models found statistically significant associations, whereas the LBW models did not. Across all models (Table 3; including the ruralness subsets), PTB models had larger coefficient estimates and lower -values than LBW models, suggesting a stronger relationship between HF and PTB than with LBW.
The FracFocus database used as the primary source for our WellExplorer database39 has multiple limitations. As previously mentioned, only 26 US states are required to report HF operations to FracFocus. Some states that are required to report have only mandated it within the last decade, and some states give well operators the option of reporting to FracFocus or other entities, although FracFocus does not make this clear on their website. It is challenging to tease out who is required to report to FracFocus and when, and there is disagreement by prior studies on when reporting became mandatory in individual states’ legislations.78,79 In addition, FracFocus’s chemical data is not comprehensive, with some ingredients withheld because they are considered confidential, proprietary, or trade secrets.78 Beyond this, some non-withheld ingredient data is only available in the individual PDFs for each well and not available in the downloadable dataset that we used because it was the most easily and publicly accessible. Unfortunately, it is still the most comprehensive record of HF wells and ingredients that is publicly available. Owing to FracFocus’s limitations, our analysis lacks a record of some HF wells and comprehensive well ingredient data to use in classifying wells by impact on human hormone pathway. Some counties’ well densities may be incorrect, and some wells may be misclassified as not impacting hormone pathways because of missing ingredient data.
Although we expanded on prior studies and included information on well ingredients, we were not able to account for many other potentially relevant variables in the HF process that could be relevant to health impacts. We have some data on the start and end dates of HF operations, but we lack records on the phase of oil or gas extraction of each well, which has been found to modulate exposure risk and can vary greatly given that some wells are fractured repeatedly to maintain a steady extraction of gas or oil.36 Deeper wells, wells with horizontal drilling, and wells that are fractured more often would likely pose a higher risk of contaminating nearby water sources, but we lacked information on these practices. In addition, by using well density, we were forced to assume a uniform well distribution over a county’s land area. We did not consider the presence of nearby conventional oil and gas extraction nearby, which has been highlighted as an important consideration in HF research.80–83
Our study relied on publicly available data at the county level, which is significantly less granular than primary hospital records. Using public sources and county level of analysis allowed us to compare findings across the country but limited us to the variables by which we could adjust for in our models. For example, we did not have information regarding individuals’ exact levels of exposure to HF ingredients, including proxies such as the distance between their houses and a HF well and whether they sourced drinking water from private wells or municipal sources.84 Prior research has predominantly found associations for people living within relatively small radii of wells, up to , with highest impacts within just a few kilometers.28,82,85 Data on the use of private well water for drinking is available but has not been updated since the 1990 census.73 County-level exposure data is much less precise and would likely weaken the associations we should see if there is a true relationship. Therefore, we are confident that our findings represent something real and if individual patient-level records were used, we expect that our associations would be even stronger. We were also unable to control many relevant demographic features that impact perinatal outcomes on an individual level, such as whether the pregnancy was a multiple or singleton or if the mother had comorbid conditions. On the positive side, by using counties, we were able to adjust for factors such as exposure to agricultural operations and pesticides, which are difficult to adjust for when using individual-level patient records because that data is often not included or missing in patient records.
Spatial Models: a Future Step Toward Establishing Causality
We reiterate here that our study does not establish causality between fracking and adverse birth outcomes. Our study rather establishes that there are associations between fracking activities that use chemicals that are known to target estrogen, testosterone, or other hormonal pathways and increases in adverse birth outcomes. We adjusted for many factors that are also known to increase the risk of these adverse birth outcomes, including population per square mile, maternal care deserts,49 drug deaths per 100,000 people, proportion of the population reporting belonging to various racial/ethnic minorities (each modeled separately), various education statistics, as well as use of fertilizers and herbicides, and the acres of agricultural land per square mile, along with poverty, insurance status, and marital status. All of these factors have been in the past linked with adverse birth outcomes,17–27 and we therefore adjusted for these factors using our county-level model. We would like to caution our readers from overinterpreting a county-level model. We constructed this model to determine if the chemicals used in fracking appear to matter across the United States because various state or region-specific studies appeared contradictory. We have established with our work that there does appear to be a signal based on the chemicals used in fracking and the pathways those chemicals target, with ETCs having the highest effect followed by TTCs and, OHTCs. This does not establish causality. The next step would be to construct a spatial model that adjusts for spatial patterns and takes into account how counties that are close to each other might have similar effects while also understanding that state boundaries are a key factor in many policies that affect birth outcomes, insurance access, and even reporting of fracking activities. Therefore, future work involves developing a robust spatial model that explores some of these factors and even models’ political decisions (e.g., requirements for state-level reporting of fracking activity and so forth) in a robust way. Our model is important in establishing that a pattern appears to exist, and it appears to be strong enough that a county-level model is picking up this signal. However, more work is needed. We have constructed spatial models in other studies,86 and this remains the subject of our future work. We also encourage other researchers to learn from our findings and expand upon them in their own future studies and research.
The present study explored the relationship between HF and adverse birth outcomes, specifically PTB and LBW. We also explored the relevance of the ingredients used in HF wells to these associations. We found that 2014–2018 county-level well density for wells that use ingredients known to target estrogen pathways had a larger association with average PTB rate compared with total HF well density [estimate 3.789 (95% CI: 1.833, 5.745) vs. 1.228 (95% CI: 0.661, 1.796)] and a larger association with average LBW rate [estimate 1.964 (95% CI: 0.412, 3.517) vs. estimate 0.602 (95% CI: 0.152, 1.052)]. Similarly, county-level well density for with ingredients known to target testosterone pathways or other hormone pathways was also associated with higher average PTB and LBW rates.
Our study reinforces the prior findings that HF exposure is associated with higher rates of two adverse birth outcomes: PTB and LBW. We found a pattern regarding the chemical ingredients used in HF wells that warrants further exploration. Exposure to specific ingredients must be considered in HF studies to properly capture the exposure and the potential mechanisms underlying the relationship. Regulations on the chemical ingredients that can be used in the HF industry should be considered.
Authors’ contributions were as follows: conceptualization—M.R.B.; methodology, investigation, and visualization—M.R.B. and E.M.P.; supervision—M.R.B.; and writing–original draft and review and editing—M.R.B. and E.M.P.
We thank Owen Wetherbee and Caroline DeVoto for earlier work on the hydraulic fracturing project. This work was originally conducted while Ella M. Poole and Mary Regina Boland were working at the University of Pennsylvania, with revisions to the work conducted both during their time at the University of Pennsylvania and after both had left the University of Pennsylvania.
We thank the University of Pennsylvania for initial funding for this project (E.M.P., M.R.B.). A portion of this research was supported by the Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award with M.R.B. as a co-investigator (UL1-TR-001878) with Garret Fitzgerald as primary investigator. Additional support for revising this work was provided by Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
All code and datasets are provided on our GitHub page (https://github.com/bolandlab/Fracking_EndocrineDisruption_BirthOutcomes). Information is also available in the Supplemental Material regarding original data sources and in our references, locations, and times of download from public repositories.
Article Notes
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Supplementary Material
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Received: 19 December 2022
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Accepted: 16 September 2024
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- Casey J, Willis M, Invited Perspective: Drilling Down into the Mechanisms Linking Oil and Gas Development to Adverse Perinatal Health Outcomes, Environmental Health Perspectives, 10.1289/EHP15106, 132, 10, (2024).